What Is I-R-P?

I-R-P diagram

I-R-P stands for three ways of resolving conflict. Conflict can occur when an aging parent needs more help from a caregiver and both parent and caregiver have opposing ideas about what should be done.

It’s hard to talk about conflict, but if you don’t, the conflict is likely to escalate, not go away. IRP is three ways people talk about their conflicts.

I stands for Interests. Interests answer the why question. Understanding interests uncovers the reasons why there is resistance to change.

R stands for Rights. Rights are the basis for arguments. Rights arguments are often about fairness, but they can also be about law, safety, and responsibility.

P stands for Power. Power is the ability to make the other person do something they don’t want to do. When people make threats they are talking about power. Authority is power.